Corporate Tax Services

We carry out constant monitoring of the legislation (including the tax legislation), which allows us to determine the key points of tax planning and minimize the current and future tax liabilities of our clients.

The corporate tax services provided by our company include:

  • Corporate tax consulting

    Cyprus is a recognized international financial center with the most favorable tax regime in the European Union and numerous agreements to avoid double taxation. Our tax consultants help the clients to take full advantage of the effective international tax planning opportunities using Cyprus and other jurisdictions.
  • Corporate strategic tax planning

    As a result of the globalization of the world economy, effective tax planning is a critical success factor for any business. Through our network of tax professionals, we help the companies to expand into new territories and minimize their tax burden. In addition, we provide tax advice on the strategic decisions like mergers and acquisitions, group reorganizations, creation of trusts and international tax planning.
  • Tax calculations and tax refunds

    Through the Tax Department of our company we provide services for the tax accounting, preparation of the tax reports and interactions with the tax authorities, including:
    • Preparation and submission of the corporate and personal tax returns.
    • Preliminary tax estimates.
    • Tax calculations.
    • Interaction with the tax authorities.
    • Tax opinions.

    Our company has a deep understanding of the Cyprus tax system and based on the information provided to us, we can provide you with a tax opinion appropriate to your circumstances.
  • Tax regulations

    We may request and receive a formal tax decision regarding specific circumstances that apply to your company from the Tax Office.
  • Tax certificates and tax-related services

    Liaising with the tax authorities and obtaining the certificates of the absence of tax arrears, certificates of the tax resident and certificates of the avoidance of double taxation.